DID YOU SEE NICKI MINAJ'S ENGAGEMENT RING?? It's really fun all the time having two celebrities in the same love circle, though we always wonder how long it has to last. Meek Mill has Nicki Minaj wear his engag ement ring and the camera spotted it real well. Nicki seems comfortable with her Robert Rahmeek Williams , an american hip hop artist from philadelphia, and they seem to have a good rapport at the moment and from my heart, i wish them well because i love Nicki and her music. DO YOU FEEL BORED IN CHURCH?? If you do, then i think i know why. Let's say wake up so early to catch up with church hours as a student. Maybe there's a means of transportation or maybe not, and as a girl you've worn your best make up or as a guy your swags don't lie. You're in church now, and you love praise and worship session a lot and it's about time. You have a foolish smile look and you feel so happy, many other activities go on and on, then the sermon....
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