How it felt to be in love

Let the shores of old folding waves be the old ways I cared about one, one that’s lost and gone forever. Let new waves spring forth with beautiful ways to love another when love finds its way to me. Let sunshine croon on ducks back to say we were mad lovers, and the sole of feets tell our names to dusty paths we once towed in search of happiness. Let bees hum our love and whisper it to nectars & let leaves lower at the smell of you and i about to kiss in the orchard in retrospect cause one kiss is all it took, even the morning after luminous rays settled on grass’s morning dews I couldn’t get over it, over one kiss, one kiss with you. Let dancing leaves gather and tell a tale of lovers who quit on each other, love bites, love hurts some nights but love fights are star wars, it takes the eloquence of a gong to have a treaty. Let the old times count, hand in hand with dirty yellow lamps above our heads, and well known eyes of darkeness following our shadows as ...